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365 steps inside the museum of history

2012-06-22 10:18:51

The Museum of History in Hồ Chí Minh City (MH) was established on 23 August 1979 following the acquisition of the collections of ancient arts of Việt Nam and of other Asian countries from the Việt Nam National Museum in Saigon originally established in 1929 under the name Blanchard de la Brosse Museum after the name of the then Governor of Cochinchina. It is was the first museum established in Nam Kỳ (Southern Việt Nam).

In the past 30 years, the MH has undertaken improvements in its physical facilities through the expansion of display areas and the upgrading of technology. MH focuses on introducing visitors to the development process of Vietnamese history, including cultural characteristics of the Southern Region, and of neighbouring countries as well as the larger region in which Việt Nam is located.

The Museum strives to create its own character by establishing as a cultural milieu in a city that attracts younger generations of Vietnamese and visitors from elsewhere in Việt Nam as well as visitors from foreign countries.

In recent years especially since Việt Nam joined the World Trade Organization, the modernization and renewal of our display system has been a matter of urgency. Upgrading and reorganization of the display areas and rearrangement of the walk-flow have involved an application of technological achievements and a continuing process of further improvements.

This guide aims to provide visitors to the Museum with basic and succinct information on the objects on display with a view to providing them with a better understanding of aspects of Vietnamese history and its arts. It also aims, in modest measure to assist researchers in their study of Vietnamese arts and culture.

We hope that visitors will leave the Museum with an appreciation of the history of the Vietnamese people, and of the valuable objects on display from a number of countries in Asia. We would appreciate your comments to help us improve this guide in future editions.

With our sincere thanks, Board of editors.